Simon Upton shot this campaign and has done a fabulous job making the good old Kooks stand out from the crowd, it's just a shame that their stores don't evoke the same emotions as their A grade campaigns.
I'm yet to meet Mr Upton himself, but his work is fab, making trash...terrific, shooting campaigns for Valleygirl, Just Jeans and Charlie Brown...and for the record, my middle name is trash.
I'm secretly in love with the 'messy dressy' hair-do, call it hair envy perhaps but the messy dressy gets my goat every time...ladies it's time to release the teasing comb!
One thing I do want to do is give Valerjia from Chic a Nurofen Plus because I'm somewhat over the 'headache' pose. It's time to let those fingers do the walking away from the temples and to the fierce machine.