Sportsgirl's Bourke St VM installation space has been transformed into a fantasy scene with an oversized set of illustrations that create a mood of intrigue and adventure as you stare down the length of a weathered and overgrown hallway of gloom.

Where there is gloom there is glee as a cleverly static display creates movement with the suspension of flocked birds being released from the hacked floorboards.
I especially like the use of the flooring that has been 'cut open' which makes you want to dig into the rest of the display to release more of the colourful flocked friends.

The cages on the left side of the entrance are strong feature props however this part of the display doesn't seem as clean as the rest...I think the sticks in the cages are overkill and dare I say it...too much flocking! I think this part of the installation would've worked by suspending a flutter of birds flying from the cages without the sticks to capture the same effect as the right hand side part of the installation even toying with the idea of incorporating product.
I'm still not convinced this creative installation space works when you inter grate the rest of the creative throughout the store as we go from an almost colourful Gothic scene into a spasm of stuffed toys and carnival as their 'collect me' creative continues in store.
One thing I am convinced of is that Sportsgirl continue to lead the Bourke St Mall procession in VM!